Then two weeks ago one of my rooms went out to eat and came back and their room was full of water. They toilet had overflowed while they were gone. I was on duty that night. 5 incidents happened all at once that night to I was all over the place. Don't remember too much that happened with that flood. The last flood was a the room next to me. Once again it was a toilet. It kind of seeped into my room. Not bad. Some papers got wet and I had to throw them away. But still...what is with all the floods!?
So I started this post like a week ago when I was at work. Something came up and I forgot all about it until just now.
Soooo lol...
Well not a whole lot has happened. Been kind of quiet. I am so excited that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. We will be spending Thanksgiving this year in Fort Worth with Jordan's family. We were originally planning on going to his grandparents, however, Jordan's grandmother was just diagnosed with colon and liver caner. They started treatment right away so they wont be able to join us. This is very disappointing and hard for us. PLease pray for her and her health.
That pretty much sums it up for now.