School is only a day away at this point. The residents are here, only 30 left to check in. Every year I forget what check in weekend is really like. The sleepless nights, long working hours, upset/lost freshman. It is a never ending cycle. I am on duty all weekend. Calls have been coming in like crazy. It is shocking how every year the freshman are more and more dependent on their parents and then their RA's. They have a hard time figuring out the next step to take. I blame their parents. You have to give them independence at one point otherwise they wont ever be successful. Ah check in weekend...I am so ready for you to over.
On top of check in my family dog that we have had for the past 14 years had to be put down. His age was beginning to overwhelm him. He also developed dementia. They had given him medicine, but it did not help. A couple of days before he had to be put down he began lacking the ability to stand for longer than 2 minutes. He actually feel into the pool at one point. It is hard. We love Kibbles so much and always will.

My dad has a really hard time going without a dog. So he knew this was coming and called the breeder that we got Kibbles from and they had one last male puppy left. His name is Rocky and is now at home with my parents. They are still hurting over Kibbles, but are welcoming the new addition gracefully. Buddy, the cat, on the other hand is not so thrilled. I am not sure how he is going to react when he realizes Kibbles will not be coming back. He never did like being apart from Kibbles. This will be interesting.

I miss Jordan so much. Sometimes it is really hard for me to talk to him on the phone because I miss him so much. It is a challenge to be away from my other half, my best friend. My staff is wonderful. They know just how to take my mind off of it. We have had many laughs together, but it still doesn't change the fact that Jordan and I are apart. Other then this we are both doing well. Football season has started and his time is limited. Everything is set for his classes and he is so excited to be teaching cal. I am so excited for him. I know he will do great! I love him so much.
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