It always seems that time takes forever to pass or passes to quickly. As the days dwindle down until my wedding, I have noticed that I am being challenged. Challenged to be patient and instead of trying to rush time by, to just enjoy it. Difficult would be an understatement. I find myself at the end of the day regretting how impatient I was with people, school or even myself. I get so aggravated so easily and I never used to be like that. I blame it on my road rage, but that has just increased because people in San Angelo can't drive. That is another story for another day.
Road rage is not it at all. It is me. How can I fix this? I am learning to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. I am trying to assess the situation before reacting. I hate regretting actions that I have made. That is why I try so hard to think before acting and sometimes talking. I need patience. I can't get mad just because I am the one that hits the red light. I can't get mad because I feel like my professor just likes to hear himself talk when in reality I should be listening because it could be important. I can't get mad because some one is walking soooo slow in front of me. I just can't. I shouldn't.
I used to have a lot of patience. I feel that the closer it gets to my wedding the more I lose them. Patience that is. I am so excited and just so ready to be married and be with my husband. My best friend. The one that makes the worst day awesome because he knows just how to make me smile or just how to hold me.
On a daily basis someone asks me..."are you ready to get married?" HELLO!!!! Heck yeah I am!! every time they ask it takes up my thought process. For the rest of the day that is all I can think about. Then I notice my patience slowly decrease for that day. The closer it gets the more anxious I get. I just want it to be here already!! See losing patience.
So patience, I ask you to please return. I took you for granted and have seen the light. Time seems to pass with more ease when you have patience. Patience truly is a virtue.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
these are the days it never rains but it pours...
Amarillo...where to begin? So last Wednesday Ad Club went to Amarillo for our competition that we have worked so hard for. It was a fun and eventful drive up there. About 30 min outside of Lubbock we stopped in Post to make sure we all met up for lunch. While we were waiting Sadie rolled down Travis's back window and it fell and wouldn't roll back up. Now it is pretty funny, but then not so much. It was pretty cold outside and a little rainy. So I followed Travis to the ford dealer while the others went on to meet us for lunch when we were done. We pulled into the dealer, Travis went up and got the guy and he walked up and pressed the button and it rolled up. Really truck? Really? lol. So we moved on and headed to Spanky's for lunch. It was really really good.
We got to Amarillo about two and half hours later. Should have been three, but there was zero traffic and we were making really awesome time. Got there and I am still confused on how we got to the hotel, but we did and we beat Travis. How on earth did that happen? He was flying man. At that point it started raining...and continued to rain the whole trip.
We checked in and got comfortable for like two seconds. We set up our PowerPoint and what do you know? Our videos didn't play. We didn't have a Mac and that is all they would play on. Worked at the school, but wouldn't work on my computer. We were freaking out, but didn't have time to deal with it because we had to go to orientation, which seriously took forever. Got to see all the schools that were there...TSU, SMU, Baylor, Sam, A&M just to name a few. So after that we ordered pizza and started to panic a little bit. Videos weren't working at all and no one knew how to fix it. So each one of us posted shout outs on our Facebook status to anyone in Amarillo who had a Mac. Tyler ended up remembering two friends from high school who could fix it. So Tyler and Travis went to meet these guys and took my computer with them. While two of our men presenters were gone, Anna-Marie, Brad, Sadie and I ran lines. We were getting pretty nervous. I was not a presenter, but I did write the script and I coached them. So I would say I was pretty nervous...maybe not as much as the presenters, but a good amount.
They ended up fixing the computer just in time! It was around 10:40ish or later at the point. I really wanted the presenters to be in bed by 10 since we had to be up at 4:30am in order to present at 7:30am. Yeah that didn't happen. We had to make some changes to the PowerPoint, which Anna-Marie did all of it, while Sadie and I fought away sleep. Finally went to be at 12:30ish. I woke up at 3:50am and started to get ready. I woke the presenters up at 5am and got them going. They all ran lines while getting dressed and ready to go. They all looked so nice.

At 6:50am we all went down there and practiced some more with PowerPoint. It was 7:20am when the doors opened. I just about fell out of my chair I was so nervous. I knew the presenters could do it. They knew their lines and had been practicing for more than a week. They started at 7:30am and freakin rocked it!! I think out of all 10 pages of the script only one line was missed and that is really really good. They did so great!!! I mean seriously they were amazing!!! So proud!
It was over! We went upstairs and changed. I went and had breakfast with Brad, Tyler and Travis. It was pretty good. After that I met up with Anna-Marie and Sadie and we spent the rest of the day watching all the other schools. Find out that while we were at lunch SFA went. We missed it. Guess what their campaign was? WTF!!!!! NOT LYING!!!! We were pretty upset. Not at them, but at our stupid department and dang Smith for making us change it and calling us idiots. They owe us an apology. And we will get one.
Anyway we had an hour before the big dinner where you find out how everyone placed. Anna-Marie, Sadie and I tried to take a nap. They were successful, however every time I would get to a good place one of the boys would knock on the door. Silly boys.
We went to dinner and there was this speaker that either had nothing to do with what our competition revolved around or we were just to stupid to understand him. I'm pretty sure we are all really smart. Just saying. After he was finished they finally got to the awards!! "Congratulations to Angelo State University!" We freakin got 3rd runner up!!! That is the highest ASU has ever placed. I think we deserved better, but hey that is still really awesome! It was such an exciting moment! I am so proud of the presenters and the team! JASON B. STEELE IS OUR HERO!!! (you would have to be in ad club to understand, however please check out his website at ) you can also see the website he created for us at )

That night (the dinner ending about 10 something or later can't even remember) we were all going to go out, however Anna-Marie, Sadie and I were all dead tired. We just couldn't do it.
We woke up and were downstairs for breakfast at 7 am. Didn't start until 8, but we had our reasons. We ended up having to leave the breakfast early because once again they had a speaker who took forever. We were on the road by 9 or 9:30ish and got home around 2:30 or 3. All in all it was a great great great trip! Gotta love Ad Club.
We got to Amarillo about two and half hours later. Should have been three, but there was zero traffic and we were making really awesome time. Got there and I am still confused on how we got to the hotel, but we did and we beat Travis. How on earth did that happen? He was flying man. At that point it started raining...and continued to rain the whole trip.
We checked in and got comfortable for like two seconds. We set up our PowerPoint and what do you know? Our videos didn't play. We didn't have a Mac and that is all they would play on. Worked at the school, but wouldn't work on my computer. We were freaking out, but didn't have time to deal with it because we had to go to orientation, which seriously took forever. Got to see all the schools that were there...TSU, SMU, Baylor, Sam, A&M just to name a few. So after that we ordered pizza and started to panic a little bit. Videos weren't working at all and no one knew how to fix it. So each one of us posted shout outs on our Facebook status to anyone in Amarillo who had a Mac. Tyler ended up remembering two friends from high school who could fix it. So Tyler and Travis went to meet these guys and took my computer with them. While two of our men presenters were gone, Anna-Marie, Brad, Sadie and I ran lines. We were getting pretty nervous. I was not a presenter, but I did write the script and I coached them. So I would say I was pretty nervous...maybe not as much as the presenters, but a good amount.
They ended up fixing the computer just in time! It was around 10:40ish or later at the point. I really wanted the presenters to be in bed by 10 since we had to be up at 4:30am in order to present at 7:30am. Yeah that didn't happen. We had to make some changes to the PowerPoint, which Anna-Marie did all of it, while Sadie and I fought away sleep. Finally went to be at 12:30ish. I woke up at 3:50am and started to get ready. I woke the presenters up at 5am and got them going. They all ran lines while getting dressed and ready to go. They all looked so nice.
At 6:50am we all went down there and practiced some more with PowerPoint. It was 7:20am when the doors opened. I just about fell out of my chair I was so nervous. I knew the presenters could do it. They knew their lines and had been practicing for more than a week. They started at 7:30am and freakin rocked it!! I think out of all 10 pages of the script only one line was missed and that is really really good. They did so great!!! I mean seriously they were amazing!!! So proud!
It was over! We went upstairs and changed. I went and had breakfast with Brad, Tyler and Travis. It was pretty good. After that I met up with Anna-Marie and Sadie and we spent the rest of the day watching all the other schools. Find out that while we were at lunch SFA went. We missed it. Guess what their campaign was? WTF!!!!! NOT LYING!!!! We were pretty upset. Not at them, but at our stupid department and dang Smith for making us change it and calling us idiots. They owe us an apology. And we will get one.
Anyway we had an hour before the big dinner where you find out how everyone placed. Anna-Marie, Sadie and I tried to take a nap. They were successful, however every time I would get to a good place one of the boys would knock on the door. Silly boys.
We went to dinner and there was this speaker that either had nothing to do with what our competition revolved around or we were just to stupid to understand him. I'm pretty sure we are all really smart. Just saying. After he was finished they finally got to the awards!! "Congratulations to Angelo State University!" We freakin got 3rd runner up!!! That is the highest ASU has ever placed. I think we deserved better, but hey that is still really awesome! It was such an exciting moment! I am so proud of the presenters and the team! JASON B. STEELE IS OUR HERO!!! (you would have to be in ad club to understand, however please check out his website at ) you can also see the website he created for us at )
That night (the dinner ending about 10 something or later can't even remember) we were all going to go out, however Anna-Marie, Sadie and I were all dead tired. We just couldn't do it.
We woke up and were downstairs for breakfast at 7 am. Didn't start until 8, but we had our reasons. We ended up having to leave the breakfast early because once again they had a speaker who took forever. We were on the road by 9 or 9:30ish and got home around 2:30 or 3. All in all it was a great great great trip! Gotta love Ad Club.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
talk about tough
Talk about a tough weekend. Our advertising competition is just days away. Last week (Thursday) we went to a friends how to shoot the commercial. In the midst of it all, I jumped into the air. Mind you it was pretty cold out and I did not have a jacket on. Anyway I jumped up and my ring flew off and into the neighbors yard. Yep that's right. We started searching for it at 6:30. Got a metal detector and continued to look until 10. Seriously I lost all hope. Friday, DeAnna, Brad and I were out there at 6:30am to start searching. Around 10 Brad, Rick and I went to Lowe's and tried to get a lawn vac. Didn't work. So we started using the neighbors shop vac. Yeah we were vaccuuming the lawn. Around 12 more people showed up to help. About 1:30 we gave up. It wasn't there. I mean we tore that yard apart. Called the police and filed a report just incase someone found it and took it to the pawn shops. It was tough. Tough. Tough. Tough.
It was about 8:30pm Friday night when I got a phone call. It was Sadie (it was her house that we were using). The neighbor pulled all the weeds on the other side of the lawn and FOUND MY RING!!!!!! It is now glued to my finger. No lie. Amazing amazing night. After giving up they found it! So happy.
I have been on duty all weekend and so happy. It is tough though because I wont see Jordan for a month and a half. I miss him soooo much. He is the most amazing man in my life. I am so thankful for him. When I told him that I had lost the ring he just laughed and said not to worry. "It is just a material thing," he said. It was so great that he was so understanding, but I still felt so bad. It was so amazing to call him and tell him the good news. He was pretty happy.
34 more days. Freedom is just around the corner my friends.
It was about 8:30pm Friday night when I got a phone call. It was Sadie (it was her house that we were using). The neighbor pulled all the weeds on the other side of the lawn and FOUND MY RING!!!!!! It is now glued to my finger. No lie. Amazing amazing night. After giving up they found it! So happy.
I have been on duty all weekend and so happy. It is tough though because I wont see Jordan for a month and a half. I miss him soooo much. He is the most amazing man in my life. I am so thankful for him. When I told him that I had lost the ring he just laughed and said not to worry. "It is just a material thing," he said. It was so great that he was so understanding, but I still felt so bad. It was so amazing to call him and tell him the good news. He was pretty happy.
34 more days. Freedom is just around the corner my friends.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Aw dear sweet someday...when will you ever get here? Someday I wont have to come home to a dorm room. Someday I will be able to sit down after church on Sunday and relax with my husband instead of driving 4 hours. Someday...and that someday is a lot sooner than it feels like...I will be married to my best friend in the whole world. 2 months and 14 days...75 days...which ever way you wanna say is coming up. However, to me it still feels so far away. I am just so ready for it to be here. I am tired of saying good-bye to the man I love. I am tired of all the crying and hurt that comes with driving into San Angelo. Don't get me wrong, I love San Angelo, but I love Jordan sooo much more. Anywhere he is I want to be. I Y Jordan.
It was Good Friday week last week!! Short week, which was nice. Thursday we went and saw The Last Song!!!!!!!! AMAZING! Normally I do not like Miley Cyrus, but she did amazing. Bravo Miley. Bravo. Then Friday I drove up to Andrews, Texas to visit the wonderful future in-laws and register for more wedding gifts. It was so much fun. Picked out the dishes and soooooo much more. Probably not enough for all the people who are coming to the Andrews shower. I think the guest list is at about 70 people. Exciting!! Later that night Jordan got in and well by that time I was ready for bed. It was pretty late. Then Saturday Jordan and I woke up early and headed to Lubbock. We went to Thacker's and picked out my gorgeous wedding band. It is so much more that I could have hoped for. So beautiful and so me. I really think Jordan liked it too. Then we ate at McAllister's and headed back to Andrews. We got home and just relaxed. Had dinner and enjoyed the Duke basketball game. Way to go Duke!!! Jordan was pretty excited and then really nervous. He is a big Duke fan. All in all it was a wonderful weekend. However, it was missing someone...Kenz (future sister-in-law), but she will be back in Texas soon enough.
Now to get the rest of this semester over with. 40 days. 40 DAYS. 40 days. I can do this. Semester please hurry up so someday will come a whole lot sooner!!
It was Good Friday week last week!! Short week, which was nice. Thursday we went and saw The Last Song!!!!!!!! AMAZING! Normally I do not like Miley Cyrus, but she did amazing. Bravo Miley. Bravo. Then Friday I drove up to Andrews, Texas to visit the wonderful future in-laws and register for more wedding gifts. It was so much fun. Picked out the dishes and soooooo much more. Probably not enough for all the people who are coming to the Andrews shower. I think the guest list is at about 70 people. Exciting!! Later that night Jordan got in and well by that time I was ready for bed. It was pretty late. Then Saturday Jordan and I woke up early and headed to Lubbock. We went to Thacker's and picked out my gorgeous wedding band. It is so much more that I could have hoped for. So beautiful and so me. I really think Jordan liked it too. Then we ate at McAllister's and headed back to Andrews. We got home and just relaxed. Had dinner and enjoyed the Duke basketball game. Way to go Duke!!! Jordan was pretty excited and then really nervous. He is a big Duke fan. All in all it was a wonderful weekend. However, it was missing someone...Kenz (future sister-in-law), but she will be back in Texas soon enough.
Now to get the rest of this semester over with. 40 days. 40 DAYS. 40 days. I can do this. Semester please hurry up so someday will come a whole lot sooner!!
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