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Saturday, May 1, 2010

wonders of the village

Last night we had RA Role Call. This is where all the new and returning RA's come together with Res Pro and learn where we will be and who are staff is for next year. We first had to spell out a quote about leadership..."You can't lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." I might have butchered that quote, but if I remember correctly that is it. It took us forever to figure it out. We each had one letter and had to run around and find other people to make a word. It ended up being so long we had to make a giant circle in order for everyone to fit. It was interesting. While we were standing in that circle they passed out envelops. They were blank, but had name tags on the inside that also told us our place. We had to find the person the name tag belonged to and present them with the good news. I really don't remember who gave me mine. I think it was Ravi. Anyway my name was in yellow, which means I am an RA III and it said Centennial Village! I will be back at the be CV next semester. It will only be for four months, but it will be great. Another chance to work with a wonderful staff. AND Chaz will be joining me! Welcome back to the CV CHAZ! haha!

So I am pretty excited. I am looking forward to another good last semester haha. See I can joke about it now...kind of.

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